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Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2019

Bonus Track - SFL

Bonus Track   : There are two videos about SFL. I found them really interesting so, I decided to include it here.   1. Agniya Rahmi A. (2018) " Systemic Functional Linguistics: An Overview " 2.  Kalantzis, M and Cope, B. , College of Education, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign  (2026) " 1o.4 Halliday´s Grammar" 

Portfolio Entry #14 - The importance of Hedging and Boosting

What is hedging? The concept of hedging has evolved over the years: 1972: Lakoff    defines it as words that can make a statement less clear or absolut.  1995 : Hyland sustains that hedging is the expression of tentativeness and possibility in language use. It is also considered a collection of words or language strategies that allows a writer to make a statement without implying that he or she believes in it.  1997: Crompton states that hedging is a linguistic strategy allowing the author to avoid committing to the absolute truth of a proposition , statement or claim.  1998 : Skelton believes that without hedging, the world is purely propositional , a rigid place where things either are the case or not. This kind of system allows language to be more flexible and the world more subtle. In short, Hedging implies a strategy used to soften what we want to say in order to avoid making too strong a claim.  Example 1:  Categorical claim : ...

Entry #13 - Writing Process

    Writing is not an ability that we aquire easily and naturally, even in our first language it has to be taught. But learning how to write is not just a thing of grammar, spelling or vocabulary. In fact, writing implies a process that involves at least  three stages that should be followed in order to have success in our productions.  By going through all of these stages, learners use their own ideas to produce an authentic piece of writing that belongs to a particular genre, take into account the audience's expectations ,and the impact of their writing on the reader.  It is really important that teachers consider these stages when they are planning their lessons because it would be helpful for their students to develop writing in an effective way.  Let´s watch this short presentation about writing. I hope you find it useful. Just Click here , to watch it.                        ...

Entry #12 - Nominalization

What is NOMINALIZATION ? What does it imply?   In English grammar,   nominalization  is a type of word formation in which a verb or an adjective (or another part of speech) is used as (or transformed into) a noun. The verb form is  nominalize . It is also called  nouning . In transformational grammar, nominalization refers to the derivation of a noun phrase from an underlying clause. In this sense, an "example of nominalization is  the destruction of the city , where the noun  destruction  corresponds to the main verb of a clause and  the city  to its object" (Geoffrey Leech, "A Glossary of English Grammar" ,  2006). Taken from Nordquist, R. (2019) ThoughtCo. " What is Nominalization in English Grammar?"  Website: Examples from Videos 1. More...